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We Provide Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, And Start-ups A Unique Structural Performance Strategy To Achieve Highly Successful Quantum Leap Results


In consultation with you, we establish an effective operational procedures & standards for the development of your business as a highly professional and successful organisation, structured to be resilient and adaptable to future changes in product and service offerings.


This includes assisting you and your business to successfully expand its revenue and profits, by utilising and implementing a structured Leadership Training & Coaching Program for all personnel, to achieve the effective and sustainable personal & professional growth of all stakeholders.

Stage 1:  Operational Procedures Review


EmergentQx to review the current operational procedures and processes of the business, and provide a standardised report based on 3 levels of priority

- Critical, High, and Medium.


This report assesses three key elements of the business;

  • Financial (accounts payable & receivable)

  • Communications (internal & external)

  • Delivery (service, supply and engagement)


EmergentQx to review and update the Operational Procedures for the business addressing, but not limited to;


    - Roles and Responsibilities of all parties and personnel

    - Company Internal & External Communication Standards

    - Reporting Processes and Procedures

    - Onboarding and Offboarding Processes and Procedures

    - Training Programs and Processes    

    - Sales Documentation and Procedures    

    - Products & Services

Stage 2:  Onboarding Program


EmergentQx to provide and implement their own unique and powerful ‘Personal & Professional Leadership and Performance Program’ for key parties of the business, including leadership, administration, sales, and service teams.


Initial ‘Onboarding Program’ to consist of 2 x 4-hour sessions over two days in a group setting, where we unpack the fundamentals of the you2 Quantum Leap Strategy and how to apply these to individual personal and professional growth, and in particular, how to apply these collectively to the growth of the business.


In addition to the two sessions, individual personality and character profiles based on 'The People Code' will be provided to all participants.  One-on-one 'breakdown' sessions can be arranged as required.


Stage 3:  Coaching & Support


EmergentQx to provide and facilitate ongoing weekly Coaching and Support for all personnel of the business.  This will be provided in the form of ongoing 60-minute weekly coaching/mentorship sessions, as well as any other necessary weekly or fortnightly meetings/sessions required for the successful ongoing management of all personnel including master mind sessions, motivational sessions, team culture sessions, and individual personal support sessions as required.


“Ultimately there is no such thing as Organizational Behaviour.

 It is Individual Behaviour writ large.”


Stephen R. Covey


We Believe There Are Just 3 Key Principles

For Effective Leadership And Success

Principle 1:  Strategy

Create a clear, concise, and effective strategy

with proven results.


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Developed by Dr Price Pritchett, you² promotes an unconventional strategy for achieving breakthrough performance. This powerful new method replaces the concept of attaining gradual, incremental success through massive effort.


The quantum leap strategy, with its 4-step process, defines the "minimum effective dose" (MED) behaviors that can spin you into the higher orbit of you². Quantum leaps imply speed, breakthrough performance, and less effort. That trifecta demands ruthless simplicity, an elegant “less is more” approach that powers geometric gains.


Making a quantum leap—going from you to you²—means accomplishing far more, in less time, with only a fraction of the effort you've been giving.



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Principle 2:  Social Awareness

Understand who you are, who your people are, and who your clients are - but more importantly - WHY?


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Dr Taylor Hartman's teachings state - all people possess one of four driving “core motives,” classified by color: Red (“power wielders”), Blue (“do-gooders”), White (“peacekeepers”), and Yellow (“fun lovers”). Once you understand your color code—and the color codes of others—you can analyze your own innate personality and use that knowledge to balance your relationships, both personal and professional.


The essence of character is the ability to enhance not only your own life, but the lives of others as well. Together, The People Code and The Character Code provide a universal message, simple and profound: life is about relationships.



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Principle 3:  Emotional Intelligence

Effectively manage yourself, your emotions,

and those of others.


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Daniel Goleman's theory of Emotional Intelligence Emotional competencies is more important in contributing to work excellence than pure intellect and expertise (EQ beats IQ). Emotional intelligence describes the ability, capacity, skill, to identify, assess and manage the emotions of one’s self, of others and of groups. Emotional intelligence is also a critical part of social intelligence.


Emotional intelligence is referred to as emotional quotient (EQ). Some research shows that intelligence quotient, IQ contributes only about 20% to success in life. The rest of 80% success depends on one’s EQ.



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All Hands In

"The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths so strong that it makes the system's weaknesses irrelevant."


Peter F. Drucker



The EmergentQË£

Personal & Organisational Effectiveness Model


You can have the strongest bricks, the best of all construction materials, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll end up with the strongest building – it’s how all the parts are structured, how they are designed to align – to interact. 


It’s all about Structural Alignment – even for us as individuals and our businesses.


Our own unique and powerful Personal & Organisational Effectiveness Model clearly demonstrates the importance and applicability of the alignment of the 3 key principles for effective leadership and success, not just on a personal or individual level, but also how this aligns to the effective management and growth of your business.


Key Elements;

  • Identify the specific Mission, Vision & Purpose of your business

  • Create a powerful corporate Identity you and your people can relate to

  • Utilise the core Values of you business to empower culture and commitment

  • Address the necessary Skills & Capabilities required for rapid growth

  • Learn how to take control of the Behaviours & Actions of your business and;

  • ​Shape an Environment of inclusiveness to achieve highly successful outcomes


The Key To Achieving Highly Successful Quantum Leaps In Your Business Success Lies In An Understanding Of The Hidden Structures Of How People Within It Work

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Peter Harrison

Dean Umstad

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Meet Your Consultants

After serving in the Police and Military Services early in his career, Dean quickly adapted his leadership abilities to guiding sales and service teams throughout a diverse range of industries. 

Working in Senior Leadership roles Peter has a well-deserved reputation as a Business Leader, Trainer and Coach with an astute and strategic orientation towards focus and execution.

Get In Touch

PO Box 239

Millthorpe NSW Australia 2798

ABN: 11 655 819 668 

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